Bird Game - for the 2024 Pirate Software Game Jam


We’re a small team of two, with no real experience making games. We’ve mucked around in GameMaker and Aseprite briefly over the past few months and thought it might be fun (and challenging) to see what we can do with limited time and resources.

We’ve created ‘Bird Game’ for the Pirate Software Game Jam 2024.


Game summary pitch

Embark on a journey as a bird navigating a desolate landscape devoid of life. Your mission is to revitalise the land by spreading seeds, fostering the emergence of vibrant new growth.


Northern Territory Firehawks

We were initially inspired by the Firehawk raptor found in Northern Territory, Australia. These birds have been found to spread fires intentionally in order to make food collection easier. We wanted to take a spin on this by having the birds spread fire to regenerate the land and make room for new growth. Our plan was to include fire spreading elements in addition to seeds, but alas, we ran out of time.


Player experience

In this top-down farming sim, players are tasked with gathering and spreading seeds across a limited map until 100% of the ground is filled with new vegetation represented by green squares. The player must adapt to changing wind conditions which impact the direction and coverage of seeds.


The game has been built for play in web browser or Windows PC.

Development softwares

Development softwares